If you’ve ever read this blog or met me in person, you know two things to be true:
1) I love independent bookstores
2) I love the beach
So combining the two is my dream, right?
Last week it came true: I drove down the East Coast to lovely Bethany Beach for a visit to its fabulous independent bookstore, Bethany Beach Books. On a somewhat chilly (for June) night, I got to meet its beach readers and chat with the friendly staff. It’s really a delightful shop, with an amazing lineup of author events, so if you’re ever in coastal Delaware, you must stop in.

The bookstore!

Ready to chat and sign–and give out historical candy, of course.

The beach and boardwalk

Look at the amazing collection of books for upcoming author events!
My next adventure will be at the Amelia Earhart festival in Atchison, Kansas, on July 21. Can’t wait!