Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books

I had the best Saturday. Just look at this lineup, and you’ll understand why:

UPDATEDflyer_onesheetThirty-seven fabulous middle-grade authors took over the gorgeous Jefferson Market Library (which used to be a courthouse and the site of a lot of famous trials; check this out for the library’s history) and turned it into a celebration of kid lit. I was part of the “Creating a Character” group, and I was blown away by the creativity and talent of our kid writers!

After the fun and games, we raffled off prize packs and then did a big, happy signing, with books provided by Books of Wonder.

I wish I had pictures, but I was too busy carnival-ing to take any. So use your imaginations! Picture a lot of smiling kids, caregivers, and authors.

A huge thanks to Claire LeGrand, Lauren Magaziner, and Heidi Schulz for organizing!