by Rebecca | Aug 2, 2012 | AWESOMENESS, feel the love, happy happy joy joy, IRL, off topic, please excuse the jet lag, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
How I spent last month: living out of a suitcase.* I made it through 9 flights and 26 hours in the air! I currently have no idea what time zone my body thinks I’m in, but I can assure you that it’s not EST. All that travel was so worth it:I made friends...
by Rebecca | Dec 6, 2011 | a little rant, heaven aka bookstores, oooh snap, opinioninny, preaching to the choir, trends, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
I don’t care where people buy their books–indies or B&N or Half Price or online or Urban Outfitters or Target or the airport or your neighbor’s stoop–I just like it when people buy books. Yay, books! With one exception: buy it where you...
by Rebecca | Feb 8, 2011 | fiction lessons, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
I’m pretty familiar with the Common Core standards, at least the English Language Arts ones, thanks to my day job. [Warning: I will now dabble in curriculum babble for approximately 4 sentences. And then I will stop.] Overall, I think it’s a good idea to...