by Rebecca | Nov 25, 2013 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, book people, Class of 2K14, deepthoughts, gratitude, heaven aka bookstores, libraries, mildly maudlin, Uncategorized
When I was growing up in Madison, WI, there was a wonderful children’s bookstore on Monroe Street called Pooh Corner. It’s been gone for decades, sadly, but I still can remember the way it felt to grab a book and plop down on the carpet to read it. When I...
by Rebecca | Jun 24, 2013 | audience, BUBBLES!, deepthoughts, ideal readers, IRL, mildly maudlin, preaching to the choir, summertime, talking about writing, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, WIPspiration
I have many writing spots, in my apartment, from the desk to the couch to the kitchen table, and writing spots in other places scattered around the city and back in America’s Dairyland, too. But I also have an inspiration spot, one for daydreaming and...
by Rebecca | Oct 16, 2012 | confessions, deepthoughts, goals, gratitude, mildly maudlin, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, talking about writing, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
Many moons ago, someone gave me a bottle of decent champagne. I think it might have been leftover from a holiday party. I didn’t have an occasion to open it at the time, and I’m not generally fabulous enough to pop a bottle of bubbly for no reason. It was...