by Rebecca | Oct 24, 2012 | audrey and alice, IRL, setting, talking about writing, verisimilitude, White House, WIPspiration
The White House Social Fall Garden Tour was an incredible experience for a lot of reasons: meeting the very cool and accomplished other attendees; hearing White House administration staff and officials speak on a variety of topics; viewing the beautiful gardens; and,...
by Rebecca | Oct 22, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, AWESOMENESS, gushing, happy happy joy joy, IRL, middle grade, reader in chief, setting, Tweetups, twitterpated, verisimilitude, White House, WIP, WIPspiration
Last Friday I attended the White House Fall Social Garden Tour. In short, it was awesome. You can read more about how I lucked into the Social here, and you can see a wrap-up from the White House here: A Fall Social in the #WHGarden. (Excuse me while I freak out that...
by Rebecca | Oct 18, 2012 | audrey and alice, IRL, reader in chief, setting, Tweetups, White House, WIPspiration
Tonight I’m heading down to D.C. so I can attend the White House Social Fall Garden Tour tomorrow! (Which is a special Tweetup tour of the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden, and the South Lawn, including the White House Kitchen Garden and beehive.) How...
by Rebecca | Sep 25, 2012 | book people, confessions, eau de print, in which I embarrass myself, sensory overload, setting, talking about writing, verisimilitude, weird science, WIPspiration
We talk a lot about how some senses contribute to the writing process. The music playlists we listen to as we power through revisions, the pinboards we gaze at to visually inspire our WIPs, the chocolate we savor to help us deal with bad news, even the way our fingers...
by Rebecca | May 3, 2012 | blog me MAYbe, IRL, overly long posts, sartorial, setting, talking about writing, trends, verisimilitude, WIPspiration
Back in the day, I went to a large public high school in a small city. I’ve realized that most of the YA and MG books I (personally) read are set in suburbs or small towns. It made me wonder: what’s it like to be a teen in a larger city these days? I...