by Rebecca | Feb 4, 2013 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, books, middle grade, MMGM, this is how we read it, What I'm Reading Right Now
I’m really excited to join in the Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday fun, hosted every Monday by Shannon Messenger. Today I want to talk about Amber McRee Turner’s fantastic debut, Sway. From the publisher (Disney*Hyperion): For four long months, ten-year-old...
by Rebecca | Jan 28, 2013 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, debutanting, onefour kidlit, social media for the shy
Happy Monday! I spent my weekend holed up indoors–despite being a Wisconsin native, I’ve gotten used to the milder weather in the Northeast and the sub-20s temperatures this past week are killing me. Okay, not killing me–but I do have a cold. It was...
by Rebecca | Jan 4, 2013 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, books, deja vu, this is how we read it, wrap ups
State of Wonder ~ Revolution ~ The Fault in Our Stars ~ The Disenchantments ~ The Handmaid’s Tale ~ True Grit ~ Love? Maybe ~ The Future of Us ~ Rebecca ~ The Snow Child ~ All These Lives ~ The Thirteenth Tale ~ Hemlock ~ Enchanted Ivy ~ A Young Wife ~ The...
by Rebecca | Dec 11, 2012 | audrey and alice, reader in chief, setting, White House, WIPspiration
My own apartment is pathetically decorated, so I am living vicariously through the White House’s decorations this year. It’s the People’s House, after all! At Holidays 2012 | The White House you can get all of the following:A recipe for Ginger...
by Rebecca | Dec 5, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, nerdiness, off topic, oooh snap, random, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, verisimilitude
I switched the settings for comments a while back, mainly so people could link to their URLs in their names. It was a good tweak to make, but it has resulted in an impressive influx of comment spam. Whatever, Blogger generally does a good job of weeding out spam...