by Rebecca | Jan 24, 2015 | AWESOMENESS, deepthoughts, easily startled, Egmont, happy happy joy joy, IRL, middle grade, mildly maudlin, off topic, random, rare Saturday post alert, Summer of Lost and Found, Uncategorized
A lot went on in publishing this week,* but this post isn’t about that. Because the week before, I did something that middle-grade me would’ve been over the moon about: I met a manatee. I first read about manatees in a random Sleepover Friends super...
by Rebecca | Dec 5, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, nerdiness, off topic, oooh snap, random, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, verisimilitude
I switched the settings for comments a while back, mainly so people could link to their URLs in their names. It was a good tweak to make, but it has resulted in an impressive influx of comment spam. Whatever, Blogger generally does a good job of weeding out spam...