by Rebecca | Mar 11, 2015 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, books, contests and giveaways, grits that are true, historical fiction, paperback, twitterpated, Uncategorized, WIPspiration, women's history Wednesday
It’s Wednesday, so it’s time for more Women’s History! [One of my favorite things about writing historical fiction is getting to explore the lives of real, and sometimes famous, women—like Alice Roosevelt. When Audrey Met Alice allowed me to spend a...
by Rebecca | Mar 4, 2015 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, contests and giveaways, grits that are true, historical fiction, nerdiness, paperback, research, twitterpated, Uncategorized, WIPspiration, women's history Wednesday
I love March for a few reasons: daylight savings time begins, theoretically it stops being so cold, the Chicago River gets dyed green, and the official start of SPRING! But I especially love that March is Women’s History Month and we get to spend 31 days...
by Rebecca | May 28, 2013 | a little rant, Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, confessions, deepthoughts, flexibility, preaching to the choir, revising, twitterpated
This rambling post is one I’d been meaning to write for a while, and then I read Katy Upperman’s fabulous post On Insanity last week,* which made me want to post it even more. One of the hardest things about being a writer is quashing the impulse to...
by Rebecca | Oct 22, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, AWESOMENESS, gushing, happy happy joy joy, IRL, middle grade, reader in chief, setting, Tweetups, twitterpated, verisimilitude, White House, WIP, WIPspiration
Last Friday I attended the White House Fall Social Garden Tour. In short, it was awesome. You can read more about how I lucked into the Social here, and you can see a wrap-up from the White House here: A Fall Social in the #WHGarden. (Excuse me while I freak out that...