by Rebecca | Aug 2, 2012 | AWESOMENESS, feel the love, happy happy joy joy, IRL, off topic, please excuse the jet lag, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
How I spent last month: living out of a suitcase.* I made it through 9 flights and 26 hours in the air! I currently have no idea what time zone my body thinks I’m in, but I can assure you that it’s not EST. All that travel was so worth it:I made friends...
by Rebecca | Jun 13, 2012 | confessions, in which I embarrass myself, IRL, nostalgia, off topic, things that make you go duh, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
You served me well, Dumbphone. Even though you never held a charge. Even though your backplate constantly yearned to break free from the rest of the phone, rendering you unconscious (sometimes in the middle of a call). Even though you loved to butt-dial my sister and...
by Rebecca | Jun 8, 2012 | authors, AWESOMENESS, BEA booty, book publishing, characters, middle grade, talking about writing
Thursday was my lucky day, and I got to pop by BEA to spend a couple hours on the floor. I timed it so I could check out a panel: “Writing Strong Female Characters In Middle Grade Books” with Lauren Oliver, Sharon Creech(!),* Judith Viorst, and Shannon...
by Rebecca | Jun 6, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, authors, BEA booty, book publishing, gushing, IRL, libraries, Why YA
I can sum up Teen Author Carnival 2012 in one word: fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that while I was enjoying listening to all the wonderful authors speak, I neglected to take notes about the panels. Doh. I did take some pictures, though: The Keeping it Realistic...
by Rebecca | May 3, 2012 | blog me MAYbe, IRL, overly long posts, sartorial, setting, talking about writing, trends, verisimilitude, WIPspiration
Back in the day, I went to a large public high school in a small city. I’ve realized that most of the YA and MG books I (personally) read are set in suburbs or small towns. It made me wonder: what’s it like to be a teen in a larger city these days? I...