by Rebecca | Dec 31, 2019 | books, gratitude, I talk about food too much, In Case of Emergency, middle grade, nostalgia, releases, The Disaster Days, The Last Grand Adventure, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, watch out I'm getting all verklempt, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?, WIP, wrap ups, writing
According to my Instagram, these nine photos sum up my 2019: I see a lot of books (launching The Disaster Days and receiving an honor for The Last Grand Adventure), writing (I took my 2020 release from blank page to revised, final manuscript in 11 months!), and one...
by Rebecca | Jul 22, 2014 | hello, i heart the beach, IRL, pairs well with a hammock, pretty pretty, relax, revising, sharks versus bears, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, Summer of Lost and Found, summertime, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, Uncategorized, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
How exactly is it July 22nd already? I swear, I was staring out the window at slushy snow just days ago. And now back-to-school ads are popping up . . . But even though this has been a busy summer so far, it’s been busy in delightful ways: I’ve also read...
by Rebecca | Nov 13, 2013 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, Uncategorized, What I'm Reading Right Now, what's up wednesday, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme that helps readers and writers touch base with blog friends. If you’d like to join in, you can find the link widget on Jaime’s and Erin’s blog posts. I love this idea because it gives a structured,...
by Rebecca | Jun 13, 2012 | confessions, in which I embarrass myself, IRL, nostalgia, off topic, things that make you go duh, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
You served me well, Dumbphone. Even though you never held a charge. Even though your backplate constantly yearned to break free from the rest of the phone, rendering you unconscious (sometimes in the middle of a call). Even though you loved to butt-dial my sister and...
by Rebecca | Mar 6, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, deepthoughts, goals, in defense of lazy, off topic, preaching to the choir, schedules, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
That’s my new motto, at least when it comes to weeknights. I used to try to do a lot in my off-work hours: hit the gym, cook dinner, whip up a blogpost for the next day, catch up on other social media, read, call my fam, and get in some writing time. Sometimes...
by Rebecca | Mar 3, 2011 | revising, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, talking about writing, unintended barf connotations, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?, WIP
I adopted a nifty, new (to me) process while revising my WIP: chunking.chunking • \chung’ king\ v. 1 the processing of splitting an overwhelming MS into “chunks,” or parts, in order to revise the whole by parts.I didn’t set out to chunk my MS...