by Rebecca | Apr 9, 2020 | awards and honors, AWESOMENESS, books, feel the love, goals, gratitude, happy happy joy joy, In Case of Emergency, libraries, middle grade, news, Sourcebooks, teachers are the best, The Disaster Days
I’m really excited to share that The Disaster Days was selected by Bank Street College of Education as one of its “best books” of 2020. From Bank Street’s website: [The 2020] edition includes more than 600 titles chosen by the Children’s Book...
by Rebecca | Jan 1, 2019 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, authors, books, covers, goals, Goodreads, read free or die, this is how we read it, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, What I'm Reading Right Now, wrap ups
Thanks to Goodreads (which I tend to use as a booklog, pretty much just for this purpose), I’m taking a look back at my reading stats for 2018: These books took me from Cameroon to Moscow to Fiji to Antarctica to Topsea, and from Ancient Greece to outer space....
by Rebecca | Jan 3, 2018 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, book people, books, goals, this is how we read it, wrap ups
Every year, I keep a reading log in my planner–and on Goodreads, mainly because that way I can easily collect images of the covers and get a tabulation of my pages read (and other fun stats) at the end of the year, such as: Fewer pages than in previous years,...
by Rebecca | Jan 1, 2017 | books, covers, goals, pretty pretty, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, this is how we read it, titles, What I'm Reading Right Now, wrap ups
Happy New Year! 2016 brought a lot of good–and some not-so-good–so I’m looking forward to starting fresh today. But one good thing about 2016 was the wonderful books I read. Thanks to Goodreads (which makes a great book log), here are the titles that...
by Rebecca | Dec 31, 2015 | balancing act, books, don't you mean voracious, goals, Goodreads, this is how we read it, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, wrap ups
Thanks to Goodreads, it’s easy to step back and look at your year in reading. Here’s mine: So many great books, and I kept up with my personal reading goal of a book a week. Per the handwritten book log I keep in my planner, it looks...
by Rebecca | Jun 18, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, authors, Class of 2K14, conferences, eventful, goals, historical fiction, research, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, Uncategorized, what's up wednesday
What I’m Reading Last week, I finished The Interestings, which was an absorbing, funny, thoughtful character study. And even at 500+ pages, I didn’t want it to end. Next, I read Kate Scott’s YA debut, Counting to D. It was heartfelt, and it taught me a lot...