by Rebecca | Mar 6, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, deepthoughts, goals, in defense of lazy, off topic, preaching to the choir, schedules, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
That’s my new motto, at least when it comes to weeknights. I used to try to do a lot in my off-work hours: hit the gym, cook dinner, whip up a blogpost for the next day, catch up on other social media, read, call my fam, and get in some writing time. Sometimes...
by Rebecca | Jan 18, 2012 | mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, nerdiness, overly long posts, revising, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, talking about writing, the classics
This week I’m returning to a sh!tty first draft from a long hiatus. It’s been so long and the draft is so raw that I don’t know whether to call this an extension of drafting, rewriting, or revising. It’ll probably be all three. I get nervous...
by Rebecca | Dec 6, 2011 | a little rant, heaven aka bookstores, oooh snap, opinioninny, preaching to the choir, trends, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
I don’t care where people buy their books–indies or B&N or Half Price or online or Urban Outfitters or Target or the airport or your neighbor’s stoop–I just like it when people buy books. Yay, books! With one exception: buy it where you...
by Rebecca | Nov 8, 2011 | mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, pacing, revising, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, talking about writing, WIP
I know, I know. Synopses are devilish. But hear me out on this one. I always start revisions by reading through my WIP, fighting the urge to make line edits the whole time. (If I let myself start making edits, I would never get through the read. So if something is...
by Rebecca | Oct 4, 2011 | deepthoughts, Poetry month, talking about writing
A Poet’s PoemBrenda ShaughnessyIf it takes me all day,I will get the word freshened out of this poem.I put it in the first line, then moved it to the second,and now it won’t come out.It’s stuck. I’m so frustrated,so I went out to my little porch all covered in snowand...