Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books

Friday Five

1. This has been a long winter. (That seems like an understatement.) I got some relief from the snow, cold, and gray last week when I went on a nice warm trip. I read a lot of books; I even hung out in a hammock. It was excellent. 2. But now it’s back to work!...

What’s Up Wednesday, 2/19

What I’m Reading I sped through the great historical-fiction middle grade Esperanza Rising and lingered in Alice Munro’s Dear Life. Her stories are fantastic–sharp and poignant. Now I’m starting Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior. I love her...

What’s Up Wednesday, 1/29

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme that helps readers and writers touch base with blog friends. You can find the link widget (and cute buttons!) on Jaime’s and Erin’s blog posts.What I’m Reading I finished  Tiger Lily, which I loved. I also read Brandy...