by Rebecca | Mar 17, 2017 | grits that are true, historical fiction, i heart the beach, middle grade, news, research, Scholastic, short stories, Summer of Lost and Found, teachers are the best, writing
I’m excited to share that I have two stories appearing in Scholastic’s classroom magazines this month! The March/April issue of Storyworks has “Lost and Found,” realistic fiction that was inspired by my time in the Outer Banks doing research...
by Rebecca | May 11, 2016 | Aladdin, books, gratitude, happy happy joy joy, historical fiction, middle grade, news, PW, Simon & Schuster, The Last Grand Adventure, titles, watch out I'm getting all verklempt, writing
So you might have seen some news in Publishers Weekly this afternoon: That’s right–I wrote another MG book! The Last Grand Adventure will be in bookstores sometime between January-April 2018. Like When Audrey Met Alice, I created a character...
by Rebecca | Mar 29, 2016 | Aladdin, authors, blurbalicious, gratitude, happy happy joy joy, historical fiction, middle grade, news, Simon & Schuster, Summer of Lost and Found, warm fuzzy, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
I’m excited to share two wonderful blurbs for Summer of Lost and Found, from two writers whose work I adore. Jodi Lynn Anderson has written two of my all-time favorite books, Tiger Lily and My Diary from the Edge of the World. Lately whenever I meet up with...
by Rebecca | Nov 12, 2015 | AASL, audrey and alice, conferences, eventful, historical fiction, I talk about food too much, IRL, lets take this show on the road, libraries, middle grade, Sourcebooks, Summer of Lost and Found
Last weekend I made the trip to Columbus, Ohio (a lovely city!) for the AASL National Conference. My husband and I drove from NYC, and even though we aren’t really car people anymore, it was fun to wind through the Pennsylvania mountains and catch some late fall...
by Rebecca | Sep 23, 2015 | audrey and alice, characters, historical fiction, IRL, lifestyles of the rich and bookish, reader in chief, research, sensory overload, setting, summertime
On a warm, nearly cloudless day last week, I took a trip out to Sagamore Hill National Historic Site in Oyster Bay, NY. It wasn’t my first time there–I visited in September 2012, shortly after I found out that When Audrey Met Alice was going to become a...
by Rebecca | Mar 25, 2015 | audrey and alice, contests and giveaways, grits that are true, historical fiction, nostalgia, paperback, Scholastic, Uncategorized, WIPspiration, women's history Wednesday
It’s the last Wednesday of March, so it’s time for one more Women’s History post! [One of my favorite things about writing historical fiction is getting to explore the lives of real, and sometimes famous, women—like Alice Roosevelt. When Audrey Met...