Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books
Rebecca Behrens books

Not-So-Lazy Days of Summer

How exactly is it July 22nd already? I swear, I was staring out the window at slushy snow just days ago. And now back-to-school ads are popping up . . . But even though this has been a busy summer so far, it’s been busy in delightful ways: I’ve also read...

New Book News!

So you might have seen this in Publishers Weekly this afternoon (click to make big!): That’s right! I* sold my second book! The Summer of Lost and Found will be in bookstores in 2016. It’s full of everything I loved to read about as a middle-grader:...

Friday Five

1. This has been a long winter. (That seems like an understatement.) I got some relief from the snow, cold, and gray last week when I went on a nice warm trip. I read a lot of books; I even hung out in a hammock. It was excellent. 2. But now it’s back to work!...

What’s Up Wednesday, 1/8

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme that helps readers and writers touch base with blog friends. If you’d like to join in, you can find the link widget on Jaime’s and Erin’s blog posts. I love this idea because it gives a structured, easy way for me to keep up with...