by Rebecca | Aug 23, 2017 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, busting up rocks, deepthoughts, flexibility, i heart the beach, in defense of lazy, IRL, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, pairs well with a hammock, summertime
Usually, I’m an ant. I like having to-do lists and schedules, deadlines and goals, and I’m at my happiest when I’m working as much as playing, or maybe even a little more. But not in August. As the fable goes, there’s a time for work and a time...
by Rebecca | Apr 28, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, blog touring, busting up rocks, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, revising, talking about writing, Uncategorized
My fellow Sourcebooks author Nancy J. Cavanaugh tagged me in this fun blog-hop tour about the writing process. You can check our her post on writing here! And I’m tagging Jessica Love, whose debut PUSH GIRL releases in June, and the very talented Katy Upperman....
by Rebecca | Jan 5, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, busting up rocks, confessions, debutanting, deepthoughts, flexibility, goals, gratitude, IRL, mildly maudlin, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, one word, overly long posts, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, social media for the shy, Uncategorized
Last year, my word for 2013 was balance. While I do think that having that word at the forefront of my mind helped me take at least a few steps toward a more balanced life, I still have a lot of work to do with that word. But 2014 is a new year, so I needed a new...
by Rebecca | Oct 10, 2013 | authors, Bookanistas, books, characters, middle grade, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, this is how we read it, Uncategorized
It’s time for another Bookanista recommendation: Tim Federle’s hilarious and heartfelt Better Nate Than Ever.Here’s the summary from Goodreads: Nate Foster has big dreams. His whole life, he’s wanted to star in a Broadway show. (Heck, he’d...
by Rebecca | Jun 18, 2013 | confessions, deepthoughts, everyone's a critic, Goodreads, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, preaching to the choir, social media for the shy, this is how we read it
Confession: I’ve resisted joining Goodreads for the longest time. While I’ve long used–and appreciated!–the site to get information about books and read non-editorial reviews, I didn’t want an author account.* The main reason why? The...
by Rebecca | Oct 16, 2012 | confessions, deepthoughts, goals, gratitude, mildly maudlin, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, talking about writing, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
Many moons ago, someone gave me a bottle of decent champagne. I think it might have been leftover from a holiday party. I didn’t have an occasion to open it at the time, and I’m not generally fabulous enough to pop a bottle of bubbly for no reason. It was...