by Rebecca | Oct 1, 2019 | books, In Case of Emergency, middle grade, news, releases, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, Sourcebooks, survival stories, talking about writing, The Disaster Days, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
One day in July 2015, I pulled out my Tupperware and started eating a wilted salad at my day-job desk while browsing for a lunchtime read. An article in The New Yorker was getting all kinds of online buzz—it was about earthquakes; in Seattle? Interesting. I clicked to...
by Rebecca | Apr 24, 2019 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, ARCs, books, covers, happy happy joy joy, In Case of Emergency, middle grade, news, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, Sourcebooks, survival stories, The Disaster Days
A few weeks ago*, the awesome website YAYOMG! helped me share the cover for The Disaster Days–and an exclusive sneak peek into the book. Be sure to check out all of YAYOMG!’s great book coverage–tons of interviews, posts, cover reveals, roundups, and...
by Rebecca | Jan 1, 2019 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, authors, books, covers, goals, Goodreads, read free or die, this is how we read it, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, What I'm Reading Right Now, wrap ups
Thanks to Goodreads (which I tend to use as a booklog, pretty much just for this purpose), I’m taking a look back at my reading stats for 2018: These books took me from Cameroon to Moscow to Fiji to Antarctica to Topsea, and from Ancient Greece to outer space....
by Rebecca | May 15, 2018 | books, eau de print, lets get physical, news, talking about writing, The Last Grand Adventure, this is how we read it
I had a chance to chat with Jeanne Kolker at the Wisconsin State Journal last week about The Last Grand Adventure and Amelia Earhart. It’s always a treat to see my book in my hometown paper! You can read the full article (and find out more Madison...
by Rebecca | May 14, 2018 | adventures, Aladdin, audrey and alice, authors, book people, books, conferences, eventful, heaven aka bookstores, IRL, lets take this show on the road, middle grade, Simon & Schuster, The Last Grand Adventure, Uncategorized, White House, wrap ups
A picture is worth a thousand words–but unfortunately, I was having so much fun sharing The Last Grand Adventure with readers that I barely took any (other than of books) during my events! If you missed the AASL webinar I did with school librarian extraordinaire...
by Rebecca | Mar 22, 2018 | adventures, Adventures in Bloggysitting, Aladdin, blog touring, book people, books, characters, guest posts, interviews, middle grade, readers/reception, Simon & Schuster, teachers are the best, The Last Grand Adventure, this is how we read it
I’ve been busy talking up Bea and Pidge’s grand adventure with fellow book lovers and Amelia enthusiasts online. Here are a few interviews to check out if you’d like to know more about the story and why I wrote it: Episode 34 of the “Chasing...