by Rebecca | Mar 19, 2013 | a little rant, book people, books, deepthoughts, IRL, things that make you go duh, treat this post as evidence of procrastination
I’m currently packing up my apartment. In the process, I’ve determined that books comprise about 40% of what I own. (Sorry, robbers. If you don’t want paperbacks or old T-shirts or shoes with an odd wear pattern because apparently I walk...
by Rebecca | Dec 5, 2012 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, nerdiness, off topic, oooh snap, random, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, verisimilitude
I switched the settings for comments a while back, mainly so people could link to their URLs in their names. It was a good tweak to make, but it has resulted in an impressive influx of comment spam. Whatever, Blogger generally does a good job of weeding out spam...
by Rebecca | Jun 13, 2012 | confessions, in which I embarrass myself, IRL, nostalgia, off topic, things that make you go duh, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, why so many tags for such a short and insubstantial post?
You served me well, Dumbphone. Even though you never held a charge. Even though your backplate constantly yearned to break free from the rest of the phone, rendering you unconscious (sometimes in the middle of a call). Even though you loved to butt-dial my sister and...
by Rebecca | Sep 12, 2011 | books, I talk about food too much, in which I embarrass myself, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, What I'm Reading Right Now
I had so much fun reading Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens. So much fun that I didn’t want to write a review or even sum up my thoughts on the madcap, hilarious satire. Instead, here’s my homage to that perfect end-of-summer read: my own contestant fun...
by Rebecca | Jun 6, 2011 | in which I embarrass myself, Lyleish, talking about writing, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, trends, WIPspiration
I stumbled into joining Pinterest lately–my friend invited me and I signed up, but had no idea what I was making an account for. Then other friends started “following” me on Pinterest and I still didn’t have a clue what it was, but figured it...