by Rebecca | Jun 23, 2014 | deepthoughts, fiction lessons, gratitude, IRL, Lyleish, mildly maudlin, patience, watch out I'm getting all verklempt
So last week my laptop bit the dust. It wasn’t totally unexpected–it was 7 years old(!) and had been acting funny for a while, so I knew its time was almost up. I shifted from backing up my work regularly to backing up my work obsessively, which was good...
by Rebecca | Jun 12, 2014 | agents, AWESOMENESS, books, Egmont, feel the love, gratitude, happy happy joy joy, historical fiction, i heart the beach, middle grade, New Leaf, news, PW, Summer of Lost and Found, watch out I'm getting all verklempt, WIP, writing
So you might have seen this in Publishers Weekly this afternoon (click to make big!): That’s right! I* sold my second book! The Summer of Lost and Found will be in bookstores in 2016. It’s full of everything I loved to read about as a middle-grader:...
by Rebecca | Apr 14, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, AWESOMENESS, books, gratitude, middle grade, watch out I'm getting all verklempt, White House
It’s spring! New York was gorgeous this weekend, and I got to spend all of it wandering around town with one of my best friends, Jessica, who was visiting from Seattle. We walked, we talked, we ate some very tasty vegan chocolate-chai ice cream. We also watched...
by Rebecca | Feb 19, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, debutanting, gratitude, mildly maudlin, party time, this is how we read it, treat this post as evidence of procrastination, Uncategorized, what's up wednesday
What I’m Reading I sped through the great historical-fiction middle grade Esperanza Rising and lingered in Alice Munro’s Dear Life. Her stories are fantastic–sharp and poignant. Now I’m starting Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior. I love her...
by Rebecca | Feb 7, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, audrey and alice, blog touring, Class of 2K14, debutanting, gratitude, guest posts, happy happy joy joy, interviews, talking about writing
I had so much fun watching When Audrey Met Alice head off to “eat up the world” this week! Thanks to everyone who congratulated, shared, tweeted, and cheered me, Audrey, and Alice on. And a huge thanks to the bloggers who’ve generously hosted me on...
by Rebecca | Jan 5, 2014 | Adventures in Bloggysitting, balancing act, busting up rocks, confessions, debutanting, deepthoughts, flexibility, goals, gratitude, IRL, mildly maudlin, mixing metaphors like I'm making muffins, one word, overly long posts, slightly incoherent due to revision brain, social media for the shy, Uncategorized
Last year, my word for 2013 was balance. While I do think that having that word at the forefront of my mind helped me take at least a few steps toward a more balanced life, I still have a lot of work to do with that word. But 2014 is a new year, so I needed a new...